Member Search

As a Christian single looking to connect with others, you’ll be happy to know that we offer a variety of features to help you find potential matches. One of these features is our robust member search feature. To access this feature, simply log in to your Victorious Christians account and head over to the member tab, either by using the link in the navigation menu or sidebar.

On this page, you’ll see a few options for searching for members. The first option is a simple search box where you can enter any information about the members you’re interested in. This could be their name, a characteristic or feature that they’ve mentioned in their profile, or any other personal information.

You can also access an advanced search feature by clicking the plus sign next to the “search members” label above the listed profiles. This will open a form with all of the profile fields that members can complete. From here, you can filter as much as you’d like to find candidates that meet your specific criteria. Just keep in mind that adding more fields to your search may result in fewer potential matches being returned. It’s probably a good idea to stick to the essentials or non-negotiables that you’re looking for in a candidate and use the other information to get to know them better.

Please note that we are continuously working on improving and developing our search and matchmaking features. If and when we make any updates or improvements, we will make an announcement in the announcement group.

We hope you enjoy using Victorious Christians and are grateful for your support in helping us grow this great community. Don’t hesitate to explore all of the features we have available and see what the site has to offer.