【商品説明】 ・(Compact Size, Lightweight and Easy to Carry) It features a lightweight body that is easy to carry around and is highly durable aluminum alloy body. In addition to being easy to fit in your business bag, it also comes with a PD adapter for power supply, so it can be used for work or private use. It is
【サイズ】 高さ : 6.20 cm 横幅 : 27.20 cm 奥行 : 40.29 cm 重量 : 1.95 kg ※梱包時のサイズとなります。商品自体のサイズではございませんのでご注意ください。
モバイルモニター 4k UHD 15.6インチ モバイルディスプレイ Adobe100%色域 3840×2160P ポータブルディスプレイ
・(Compact Size, Lightweight and Easy to Carry) It features a lightweight body that is easy to carry around and is highly durable aluminum alloy body. In addition to being easy to fit in your business bag, it also comes with a PD adapter for power supply, so it can be used for work or private use. It is
高さ : 6.20 cm
横幅 : 27.20 cm
奥行 : 40.29 cm
重量 : 1.95 kg